One day three scientists were discussing what would happen if
they rammed a cork up an elephants ass and force fed it for 2
weeks. But because the experiment had never been documented
and the idea was hard to comprehend they decided to have a go. A
week after the experiment had started they began to realize
"WHY" the idea had never been tried, they were stuck for
someone to pull the cork out!! One of the scientists came up with a
bright idea of training a monkey to do the job, so they spent the
next week training it to pull out corks once a buzzer had rung, then
push it back in for another go. The big day arrived, they set up all
the monitoring equipment and set out to a safe distance. The first
scientist went 1 mile away, the second went 2 miles away and the
third went 3 miles away. When they were all ready the first
scientist pushed the button to sound the buzzer.
BAAAANNNNNGGGGG!!!!! The third scientist (3 miles away)
was up to his ankles in elephant shit. The second scientist (2 miles
away) was up to his knees. And the first scientist who was 1 mile
away was up to his waist in elephant shit. When the others joined
the scientist who was 1 mile away they noticed that he was in fits
of laughter. "What in the world is so funny?" asked one of the
scientists. "You should have seen the monkey's face trying to get
the cork back in!"